
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Daring Cooks Challenge: Stuffed Grape Leaves

This fall is flying by! I missed the official posting date on the 14th, but didn’t want to skip sharing my October Daring Cooks Challenge. Our October 2010 hostess, Lori of Lori’s Lipsmacking Goodness, has challenged The Daring Cooks to stuff grape leaves. Lori chose a recipe from Aromas of Aleppo and a recipe from The New Book of Middle Eastern Food.

Going into this challenge I had mixed feelings about stuffed grape leaves. Every time I have ordered them in a restaurant, there is something in the flavor that doesn’t quite appeal to me. I thought that maybe it was the seasoning in filling (often thyme) or maybe the lamb. But I was willing to give them a try in my kitchen to see if I could pinpoint the flavor that I don’t like.

I decided to use a recipe from my trusty Joy of Cooking cookbook. Since I wasn’t sure how I’d like the finished product I used ground lamb (the hubby’s choice). I soaked my grape leaves, prepared my filling and started rolling!

Stuffing and rolling went much quicker than I thought and I loaded up my pot with the little cigar shaped packets. On went the lid and after a little while they were ready!

Now, for the moment of truth. Did I like my grape leaves? Did I figure out what flavor I didn’t like? The answer is yes. What is it that bugs my taste buds? The grape leaves! I loved the filling – the ground lamb mixed with rice and seasonings. It was something about the flavor of the grape leaves that just doesn’t agree with me.

The hubby liked the grape leaves and I share them with my reliable taste tester Renee, who said she really enjoyed them.


  1. I love grape leaves and haven't had them in years! Yours looks great!

  2. Michelle - I'll gladly make you a batch :)

  3. Grape Leaves! I was just reading a book that contained a chapter on a Greek family making stuffed grape leaves- between that and your post- I am definitely craving them!

  4. Oh yum. I LOVE grape leaves and have never tried making them at home. I might just have to try now!

  5. I love grape leaves! I've never thought to make them myself. These look great.

  6. I love grape leaves! I've never thought to make them myself. These look great.


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